Mr. Morgenstern
Instructor - TKD/MGD
Mr. Rico Morgenstern started at YMATC in 2015. His story starts out in Germany, where he spent his childhood and early adult years. Rico decided to move to Canada in 2013 for a couple years which turned out to be a bit more permanent. He works in an office setting mostly and had started martial arts for fitness reasons as a counter balance to his work life. Why martial arts you might ask - for Rico the main reason besides prior interest is simply that he does not like conventional gym workouts. He started out with Haidong Gumdo and added Taekwon-Do and has since had some exposure to other martial arts along the way too. When he is not at work or doing martial arts than you can find Rico improving his house and garden or you might encounter him zipping around on his motorbike.
Started Training - May 2015
Started Instructing - 2017
Ranks/ Certifications
2nd degree Black Belt (UTI)
1st degree Black Belt in Haidong Gumdo (World HG Federation)
SMAA - Level 1 coaching
SaskSport - Respect in Sport - SRC-7539921-1-D7T
First Aid
Other Styles
Filipino Martial Arts
YMATC Programs Instructing
YMATC Programs Assisting
2nd degree Black Belt TKD - May 28, 2022
1st degree Black Belt in Haidong Gumdo - September 9, 2017
YMATC Student of the Year - 2018